Thursday, November 29, 2012

Note-Making Steps:-

1.Don't write down every word that you hear or read, only the important stuff. Anything the instructor writes on the board or projector should automatically go into your notes unless it appears on a handout.

2.Organize your notes. Keep one section of notes for vocabulary and the other section for notes that require more "paragraph form" writing.

3.Understand that if you frequently hear your teacher say something that's in your notes, highlight it. It will probably be on a test.

4.Study your notes 10-20 minutes a day. Put them on flash cards if you can. It's been said that if you read something at least 6 times, you remember it better. That should help you out.

5.Don't take your notes while reading the textbook. Read the section of paragraph first and then go back and take notes on it.

6.Make sure the writing isn't all jumbled together. You want to space your writing out.

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